It's been a while. Realised i haven't update for the month of November when the start of this month, last year i was so scared to receive this (kinda dreaded) month of November and remember praying my heart to be strong.
But, time flies they say. And it's November again. Although right now, it doesn't feel so dreadful anymore. Alhamdulillah. :)
Time heals all wounds ya. Or love heals. I choose to say love heals. Not necessarily love from another human being, or specifically love from another half.
But knowing that Allah continues loving you, is actually enough for you to heal. Trust me.
Thank you Allah for Your mercy & Your love. Because You are the only One who doesn't disappoint. I must always remember that.
Just changed the background to suit the rainy mood these few days and probably the next month or so. I love rainy days. :) The melancholic feeling that accompanies rainy days are very very very much loved. :)
And feeling melancholic will make me blabber non-stop. Yes, like right now. Hahaha.
Which is why i need this blog. I cannot not write or in this case type. Have always had a journal even back in primary school because i need to let my feelings out even if it's just on a piece of paper (although looking back, my worries back then has become laughable now.. hehe). I cannot just keep these feelings inside me without having an outlet to vent. It's an escapism for me. Writing. Which is why I have journals for my kids (i love calling my students, kids). So that at least, they have an outlet to express themselves, away from the prying eyes of other people who just want to know what's going on but not exactly bothering or caring.
At least when my kids write, they know they have someone to respond to. Though some don't get why they need to write a journal, some actually expressed their inner deepest feelings into the journal. And i'm happy to respond to their writings. Even if i can't solve their problems, at least they feel better writing it down and sharing with someone whom they trust.
Oh well, this is what happens when i blabber. i start writing about something and end up with something totally different. hehehe.
till the next 'melancholic' entry.
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